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Anti-capitalist action in over 30 cities – and we’re here to stay!
April 4, 2012
In less than three months, the M31 initiative was joined by leftist groups and libertarian grassroots unions in 15 European countries. On March 31st, thousands took to the streets all over Europe against capitalism and neoliberal crisis regulation. [Read More…]
[DE] 6.000 at M31 demonstration in Frankfurt
April 3, 2012
PRESS RELEASE [French version below]
6,000 people at European Day of Action against Capitalism / Organizers criticize police violence and mass arrests
Frankfurt. In a demonstration associated with the europe-wide anti-capitalist day of action “M31″, 6000 people demonstrated against the neo-liberal and authoritarian crisis policies of the EU. [Read More…]

M31-NETWORK: Declaration of the meeting in greece
September 10, 2012 By webmasters
Declaration from the meeting of anticapitalist & antiauthoritarian groups and unions in Thessaloniki. Towards a European network against state and capitalism We, antiauthoritarian and anticapitalist groups and grassroots unions, that took part in the mobilization to the European action day against capitalism … [Continue Reading]

M31: Prelude to Joint and Europe-Wide Anti-Capitalist Protests
April 8, 2012 By webmasters
Article of FAU Frankfurt Within a joint day of action against capitalism on March 31, there have been rallies and demonstrations in more than 40 European cities. These actions are the beginning of an international networking by the anti-authoritarian movement against the European Union's ruling crisis policy. The … [Continue Reading]

Press Release: European Day of Action against Capitalism and authoritarian crisis management
March 29, 2012 By webmasters
This Saturday, March 31st, there will be simultaneous demonstrations, rallies and assemblies in many European cities. Protests have been organized by anti-capitalist groups and libertarian grassroots unions from all over Europe. The initiative is labeled "M31 – European Day of Action against Capitalism". Members of M31 … [Continue Reading]

Talking is over – action is on! M31 Graffiti
March 24, 2012 By webmasters
On YouTube: Alternatively on vimeo: M31 - Graffiti Mobi Video … [Continue Reading]

Shift Magazine London: “International Antinationalism”
March 23, 2012 By webmasters
Shift Magazine in London has just published a paper of M31’s Antifa AK Cologne on what they call „International Antinationalism“. The ideological appeal of the nation has long been theoretically ignored and politically exploited by many leftist factions. That’s why M31 was initiated explicitly as both an … [Continue Reading]

From New York City with Love: How do we kill capitalism?
March 13, 2012 By webmasters
The anti-capitalist group Class War Camp within Occupy Wall Street supports M31 with an anti-capitalist meeting in New York City's Union Square. CWC raised some important questions for that assembly. We'd like to propose them for our own discussions, as well. Thanks comrades in the City! UNION SQUARE (N), 1PM, MARCH … [Continue Reading]

Spain: CNT mobilises across the country against labour reform
February 27, 2012 By webmasters
Statement from the Secretariat of the CNT on the recent demonstrations and protests against the government's new labour reforms. The Confederation believes that the demonstration against the labor reforms of the People's Party should be only the first step of a widespread social response which would lead to … [Continue Reading]

London: Radio Interview on M31
February 20, 2012 By webmasters
On February 17th, two activists from the “...umsGanze!”-Alliance visited the DIY radio station “Dissident Island Radio” in London to talk about the ongoing mobilization for M31 – european day of action against capitalism. Your browser does not support the audio element. After introducing themselves … [Continue Reading]

Interview “Blaming the Banks is not our Business”
February 16, 2012 By webmasters
Translation of: “Banken-Bashing ist nicht unser Ziel” Leftist groups from various European countries are planning a Europe-wide, anti-capitalist day of action on March 31st. The German »…ums Ganze!« network is part of the »M31« alliance that currently coordinates German and international protests. Jungle World asked … [Continue Reading]

Left Wing Organisations and Libertarian Grassroots Unions Call for an International Day of Action
January 4, 2012 By webmasters
During an international meeting in December 2011 in Frankfurt am Main, several left wing organisations and grassroots unions from Greece, Spain, Poland, Austria and Germany decided to launch a joint effort against capitalist reforms under the current crisis. On march 31st, there will be a "European Day of Action … [Continue Reading]