BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//M31 - ECPv4.6.15//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:M31 X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for M31 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC+2:20120331T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC+2:20120331T130000 DTSTAMP:20181106T154356 CREATED:20120320T132141Z LAST-MODIFIED:20120320T132141Z SUMMARY:[US] New York: Anti-capitalist Meeting - How do we kill Capitalism? DESCRIPTION:In solidarity with the European call for anti-capitalist action on M31 (\, Class War Camp (a group of anarchists\, socialists\, communists\, etc. who Occupy Wall Street) is calling for a mass gathering of anti-capitalists of all stripes and kinds to discuss strategy\, and network for the ongoing global revolution. Only if we know each other can we help one another! \nFor too long\, the various strains of anti-capitalism (anarcho-whatever or without adjectives\, Marxist-socialist-communist\, and everything else) have been at each others throats just as much as at capital’s–when they’ve even acknowledged each others’ existence. \nBut over the last several years\, something has happened\, or is happening. It has spread from Latin America to Europe and the Middle East and back and across the world. It has many names\, from 15M to the Arab Spring to Occupy–and before that\, it was a wave of “riots” in a variety of places (not just Europe) with no such political signification. The landscape has changed\, but the question is: how? \nFor the first time in recent memory it seems possible that the people themselves could break their apathy and become politically involved once again. But in a world where the Left is as divided as ever and on the defensive against a Right that is increasingly mobilized and with the full strength of capital behind it\, the question is: how do we do it? How do we fight this fight\, for the benefit of all? \nCan we afford to ignore each other anymore?\nWhat tactics are most effective?\nIs having a unified organization the same as working in unity?\nHow should we relate to the State? Can we afford to “ignore” it when it can’t afford to ignore us?\nWhat is the significance of “consensus process” for future organizing? Is it an anomaly or something significant?\nWhat does it mean that the recent movements spreading all over are predominately anarchistic in theory and principle\, while at the same time anarchism is increasingly co-opted by the Right (libertarians\, “anarcho-capitalists\,” “free market anarchists”) in a way that the various marxisms are not–if anything?\nHow do we win?\nThese are some of our questions. What are yours? \n URL: LOCATION:Union Square\, New York\, NY\, United States CATEGORIES:Discussion ORGANIZER;CN="Class%20War%20Camp" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC+2:20120331T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC+2:20120331T140000 DTSTAMP:20181106T154356 CREATED:20120321T053327Z LAST-MODIFIED:20120321T053327Z SUMMARY:[ES] Badajoz: Open meeting for the European day of action against the capitalism M31. DESCRIPTION:Badajoz: March 31\, from 12h to 14h\, gathering in Plaza de San Francisco and open meeting for the European day of action against the capitalism\, M31.\n\n\n URL: LOCATION:Plaza de San Francisco \, Badajoz\, Spain CATEGORIES:Demonstration,Discussion,Meeting END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC+2:20120331T160000 DTEND;TZID=UTC+2:20120331T190059 DTSTAMP:20181106T154356 CREATED:20120328T080902Z LAST-MODIFIED:20120328T080902Z SUMMARY:[BG] Дискусия "За и Против Капитализма" - Пловдив DESCRIPTION:На 31 март – Европейския ден срещу Капитализма\, Центърът за гражданска активност към фондация “Възраждане 21” и Клуб “1 ноември” ще проведат обществена дискусия на тема “За и Против Капитализма”. Събитието ще се рализира в ПУ “Паисий Хилендарски”\, 4 аудитория\, от 16 ч.\nДискутираните тези ще бъдат представени от Христо Марков – депутат от Великото народно и 36-тото обикновено народно събрание\, учредител на СДС и Демократичната партия\, Павел Иванов – зам.-председател на Съюза на комунистите и Председател на движение “Че Гевара”\, и Румен Дечев – политолог и секретар на Клуб “1 ноември”.\nПоканени са всички желаещи да вземат отношение към дискутираните теми и граждани\, които се интересуват от проблематиката. \n URL: LOCATION:Plovdiv\, Bulgaria CATEGORIES:Discussion END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR